Herbal blend 5 100g

For liver conditions, gallbladder stones or sand

It alleviates symptoms that appear due to the presence of sand or stones in the gallbladder. It is used along with an appropriate diet in order to prevent recurring formation of gallstones after a surgical procedure. It has hepatoprotective effect, allows proper functioning and regeneration of the liver.

Helichrysum arenarium flos, Agrimonae herba, Eupatorii cannabini herba, Bardanae radix, Taraxaci folium, Cichorii radix, Chelidonii herba, Taraxaci radix, Calendulae flos, Galii veri herba, Lycopodii herba, Millefolii herba, Salviae folium.

Put 3 soup spoons of tea in 800ml of boiling water, stir, cover with a lid, and leave to steep for 30 minutes. Strain tea and divide it into three doses, and drink each dose half an hour before a meal. If needed, the tea can be sweetened with honey or sugar. People with diabetes should drink unsweetened tea.

It is not recommended that this product be used by people who are allergic to any of the aforementioned ingredients, by pregnant or nursing women, as well as children under 14.

Keep at room temperature, without direct exposure to sunlight.

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