Statistics say that one in two women and one in six men suffer from some sort of rheumatism, and that rheumatism is a leading disease in Serbia. However, what is much more important than statistics on rheumatism is to know what to do to feel better, i.e. how to treat rheumatism in the right way, and how to stop its progressive course.
We present to you Reumel-D, a product that treats rheumatic diseases in the right way.
Why is Reumel-D the right choice?
Unlike products that act only momentarily, on the basis of heating and cooling, our product Reumel-D has a therapeutic effect , and what is even more important – a lasting and long-term one. Reumel-D is a completely natural product, and continuous use is recommended. Thanks to its rich combination of medicinal plants, Reumel-D relieves the symptoms of rheumatism, reduces stiffness and pain in joints, and improves their mobility. Reumel-D is recommended for rheumatic discomforts, sciatica, lumbago, and sports injuries. In case of lumboischialgia, it treats the pain in the lumbar area of the spine, hips, shins and toes. In the treatment of sports injuries, Reumel-D reduces inflammation and pain in muscles, and has a beneficial effect in treating contusion, bruising and sprains.
Click on Reumel-D ingredients to learn more about them
It is a natural analgesic, reduces pain and helps with neuralgia
It improves circulation, reduces swelling, relieves symptoms of rheumatism, gout and arthritis, has an anti-inflammatory effect
It has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin and thus treat deeper seats of disease. It is effective in the treatment of sciatica, joint disease, migraine pain
It reduces pain, swelling and inflammation, helps with sprains and strains
It is a natural source of salicylates, reduces inflammation and pain in muscles and joints, soothes spasms
It improves peripheral circulation and reduces pain on the site of application
It relieves pain and swelling, reduces inflammation
It has anesthetic and analgesic effect, provides a cooling sensation and helps to reduce pain and swelling
It improves circulation, has a strong anesthetic effect, relieves pain in muscles and joints